Happy October! I love so many things about fall; all the different colors, hearing the crunch of leaves and crisp mornings. With fall also comes Halloween and the big question… what will the kids be this year?
Here are some DIY costume ideas to get the creative juices flowing!
Pig in a Blanket:
1. Cut pig ears, small rectangle and small circle out of two 8” by 11” sheets of pink craft foam. With a hot glue gun, glue ears to a pink headband.
2. Dot circle with glitter glue for nostrils. Fold rectangle around circle, gluing together to form a snout. Glue one end of a 12inch piece of elastic to each side so it can be worn over child’s nose.
3. Wrap blanket over shoulders and pin with a large safety pin!
Static Electricity:
1. Using safety pins, attach some mismatched socks, a few pairs of underwear, some small pieces of clothing like baby t-shirts to a long-sleeved shirt. Or if you don’t mind ruining the shirt, attach the pieces of clothing with a hot glue gun rather than using safety pins.
2. With hair gel, spike hair.
3. You could even use a small laundry basket as a treat bucket.
Snowball Costume
1. Attach Styrofoam balls in assorted sizes to an oversized pale blue or white sweatshirt using fabric glue.
2. Add batting to the inside of the sweatshirt to make it “puffy”.
3. Using a beanie or the hood of the sweatshirt, attach more Styrofoam balls to complete your look!

Ninja Turtle Costume:
1. Attach a round green pillow either to straps (like a backpack) or to a green shirt. Wear green pants.
2. Tie a blue, red, purple or orange ribbon around your child’s waist
3. Using a matching colored ribbon, cut eye holes out of the ribbon for their mask!
Young Frankenstein:
Check out this website for easy DIY steps to turn your little one into an adorable Frankenstein!
I think we all know that the most popular costumes this year will be the Frozen characters. Do we have to relive the Frozen madness again? I think we probably will… Here are a couple of websites for DIY Frozen costumes!
Elsa Costume (no sew):
With this super easy Elsa Cape you can include your little one in making it! Even if you don’t have an Elsa for Halloween, this a great dress up costume and it’s so easy to make!
Or if you are feeling a bit more ambitious, try out this Anna Cape ! Put a dark blue or black dress under the raspberry colored cape and you’re good to go!
If you’re little one loves Olaf the best, try adding 3 black circles to a white tutu or a white sweatshirt and sweatpants. Then, using a white ball cap, use these great instructions for a DIY Olaf hat!
Good luck costuming! And have a Happy Halloween!
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