Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Easy and Fast Kids Breakfast Ideas: Featuring CHIA!

Now that we've had a week or so of the kids being back in preschool, (and hopefully school will be starting soon for Seattle Public Schools!) I decided that it’s time to get serious about a nutritious breakfast in the morning for these growing bodies. No more unhealthy, sugary bars on the way to school! This summer I have been loving Chia and all its healthy benefits. It’s high in fiber, calcium, protein, omegas and so much more goodness! It’s awesome! Why not pass on this nutrition to our kiddos?!

Here are three super fast breakfast ideas my kiddos love (and I do too)!

I love adding spinach (sometimes kale) and chia seeds to a smoothie with pineapple, frozen mango, a splash of orange juice and a banana! It’s a great way to get those veggies in early!

Yogurt Parfait
I start with Greek yogurt which has tons of protein in it, then I add some high fiber granola, sometimes some toasted coconut, and raspberries (another high fiber food). Then I sprinkle some chia on top for a little more crunch! Delicious!

I made 2 dozen of these delicious bars on Sunday and we eat them throughout the week! So tasty and full of great protein, nutrients and fiber!

For more tasty recipes like these, check out our pinterest board “Berry Good Recipes”! I’d love to hear about your favorite breakfast recipes too!