Monday, December 31, 2012

Post-Holiday Not So Blues

Post-Holiday Not So Blues

I’ve always heard of the post holiday blues and never understood the reason for it. Quite frankly I love getting my house back in order and life back to “normal.” Sure the holidays are fun, full of events, family and delicious food, but I have always wondered why this needs to stop just because the so-called holidays are over? So I have created the Post-Holiday Not So Blues in my household. It coincides nicely with New Year resolutions (more about those in the next post).  Here are my 3 simple steps to the Post-Holiday Not So Blues:

1) A celebration and education every month

At the beginning of the New Year plan out a celebration for each month!  Make the celebration educational for the whole family and discuss at your monthly family dinner celebration. While some months are obvious, below are some ideas for the non-holiday months.

January – New Year’s – New Goals Month
February – Valentine’s Day – Love Month
March – St. Patrick’s Day – Irish Month
April – April Fools – Practical Joke Month
May – May Day – Spring Flowers Month
June – Summer Solstice Month
July – 4th of July - Patriotic Month
August – Friendship Month
September – ABC and 123 - Back to School Month
October – Halloween Month
November – Thanksgiving Month
December – Hanukah, Kwanza, and Christmas Month

2) Fancy Monthly Dinner

Chose a Sunday night for each month where you bring your family (immediate or extended) and friends together to cook a wonderful meal. Make sure to engage everyone in the preparation; food isn’t just about eating the preparation is where art, love and bonding come into play. Make sure to sit down at the dining room table (I like to even pull out the fancy china once a month) and turn off all distractions, such as phones, TVs, iPads, and computers. Here is an idea for August Friendship Month:

3) Decorations for each month

I am not suggesting you need to deck your halls with bells of holy every month, but changing the décor and touches of a theme here are a good reminder of your celebration month! Here is a fun idea for the June Summer Solstice Month by Real Simple:

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