Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New Ways & Making It Stick Like Glue

Every year I put a lot of thought into my New Year’s resolution. This year is no different, what is different is making it stick like glue. My resolution this year is very simple, healthier life choices - from food to the gym, eco-friendly products to less chemicals, daily relaxation to reading.

Defining my annual New Year’s resolution is the simple part, making it stick for 12 months is the challenge. This year I have come up with 6 ideas to make my New Year’s resolution stick like glue!

1) Monthly Alarm Ding, Ding! Create a monthly reminder in my electronic calendars (i.e. iPhone, Outlook). The reminder is simple; it starts at the beginning of each month and states my focus for the month, such as “Healthier Life Choices – This Month Practice Daily Relaxation.”

2) Fill ‘Er-Up! A Mason Jar labeled “Healthier Life Choices Jar” and next to it is a small note pad where I can jot down ideas, such as recipes, homemade cleaning products, work-out routines, quotes, etc. When I need inspiration I can open the jar and pull out a note card with inspiration.

3) Pin-spiration. I love Pinterest and what better place to remind myself to make this resolution stick like glue. So of course I will create a Healthier Life Choices board chalk full of ideas. You can follow that board here:

4) Something New Every Month. I will commit to doing something new every month, whether it be a cooking class, a workout class, signing up for green product home-delivery, etc. To make it simple my something new will coincide with my monthly alarm.

5) Me, myself and OTHERS! I have rallied some friends who inspire me in all areas of my life and asked them to be inspiration for me. I even added them as contributors to my Healthier Life Choices Pinterest board so they can add ideas.

6) Sewing It Thru Everything I Do. For a more substantial impact I have shared my New Year’s resolution not only with family and friends, but also my schools. I want the idea of healthier life choices to not only impact my family, but also the Blossoming Buds’ brand and culture. I will share my monthly Healthier Life Choices ideas with my staff and try to incorporate elements and ideas into the curriculum.

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