Monday, October 21, 2013

5 Tips for a Safe Halloween

I love fall, the leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler, and the air is crisp, which means it is almost the holiday season and Halloween is first on the calendar. Preparing for Halloween is so much fun; choosing a Halloween costume, pumpkin crafts and decorations, carving pumpkins, and harvest parties. I love to look at pinterest for new ideas. Check out our Halloween Pinterest board for some inspiration this Halloween. (

However my favorite part of Halloween is taking my little one trick-or-treating. Here are five tips to keep little ones safe while trick-or-treating!

  1. Parents should always go trick-or-treating with kids and walk them all the way to the door.

    2.   Inspect all the candy and don’t let children eat anything that is open or unwrapped.

  1. Trick-or-Treat in familiar neighborhoods. One of our favorite Seattle spots for Trick-or-Treating is the Wedgewood Neighborhood’s Business Trick-or-Treat along 35th Avenue NE from 4pm-6pm on October 31st! Be sure to stop into Blossoming Buds Cottage for a treat too!

  1. While out trick-or-treating, attach glow sticks to costumes to keep kids visible and have them hold a flashlight. Glow sticks are available at most Dollar Stores; they make great additions to most costumes. 

  1. If your child is wearing a mask, make sure he or she is able to clearly see by making the eye holes bigger or substitute a mask with face paint.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

To learn more about one of Seattle’s best preschools and drop-off childcare programs visit and

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