The holiday season is my favorite time of the year. I love the hustle and bustle, the magic of Christmas, and celebrating with family and friends.
I feel so blessed for my life. But I know there are those who are less fortunate. So many families struggle, especially during this time of year, to put enough food on the table and can’t afford new toys or clothes. It is important to me that I teach my little one about giving back. I want her to grow up knowing there are other families who need help.
Here are a few ideas of how to give back this holiday season:
Send a card: If your little one likes to draw or paint, have him/her make a holiday card to send to a local hospital or contact the Holiday Mail for Heroes program to mail cards to troops overseas. What a difference a simple homemade card can make. Check out our pinterest Christmas Fun board for other homemade card ideas! (
Donate toys, food or clothes: Check out these organizations that have holiday drives. Toys for Tots (, Northwest Harvest (, and WestSide Baby ( Or maybe consider making a donation to Children’s Hospital or the Salvation Army. Each year Blossoming Buds Preschool and Blossoming Buds Cottage join Sleep Country to collect toys for their Secret Santa Toy Drive for Foster Kids:
Give your time: If money is tight this year, it’s always a wonderful idea to donate your time by visiting nursing homes or helping out at a local food bank such as this one: ( Sometimes lending a helping hand is most valuable during the holidays.
Wishing you very happy holidays!
To learn more about one of Seattle ’s best preschools and drop-off childcare programs visit and
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